In the framework of the MORFEO Project (MOnitoraggio e Rischio
da Frana mediante dati EO), GAP srl is monitoring the post-seismic
ground movements in the areas stricken by the L'Aquila earthquake
(in Fig.1 the co-seismic displacement pattern revealed by COSMO-
SkyMED). First results have been obtained by processing 26 SAR
images acquired from all the COSMO-SkyMED sensor actually in
orbit, since mid-April to mid-Septembre 2009 ( Acquisition Mode:
HIMAGE; Incidence Angle: ~40°; Look Side/Pass Direction:
Right/Ascending) with the SPINUA © multitemporal interferometric
processing chain. Strong movements have been detected around
the towns of Paganica and Tempera, close to the outcrop of the
fault that originated the Mw 6.3 earthquake on April 6, 2009, as
shown in Fig.2.
More information here
Fig 1: COSMO/SkyMED co-seismic InSAR phase field pattern
Fig 2: COSMO/SkyMED post-seismic SPINUA © deformation map