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News 2013 EWRA 2013

"Water Resources Management in an Interdisciplinary and Changing Context"
Porto, Portugal, 26th-29th June 2013

In Europe, the last decade has been of great change and adaptation in water policy and management. Following the work and progress achieved in the 7th International Conference of EWRA, held in Limassol (2009), on "Water Resources Conservancy and Risk Reduction Under Climatic Instability" and the VI International Symposium of EWRA, held in Catania (2011), on “Water Engineering and Management in a Changing Environment”, it is a good opportunity to evaluate the current status of the work achieved by the EU Member States related to the Water Framework Directive (WFD) implementation, having in mind the 2015 deadline. On the other hand, the Floods Directive, published in 2007, is also a current concern of the Member States that are required to draw up flood risk maps by 2013 and establish flood risk management plans by 2015. In parallel, it is also important to highlight and acknowledge the process on water infrastructures and technologies, facing the changing context and the increasing challenges created by climate change and other new paradigms taking place in water resources management. More specifically, according to WFD requirements, the second cycle of River Basin Management Plans cycle will have to include climate change effects.

In this context, the 8th International Conference of European Water Resources Association (EWRA) will give special emphasis to the application of the WFD, emphasising the challenges encountered and foreseen by the different Member States and more specifically the challenges raised by the transboundary river basins which represent more than 60% of the European territory. The 8th International Conference of EWRA intends to be a platform of discussion and sharing of information and experiences between scientists and professionals from the Member States but also from other regions around the globe facing new challenges related to water resources management. More than an analysis of what has to be done, Member States need to share their know-how and enhance their capacity building related to the implementation of a common legislation at the European level.


Section 1: “Water Framework Directive – implementation status and lessons learned”

  • Lessons learned from WFD application
  • Organisational and Public Participation issues
  • Transboundary river basins
  • Incorporation of climate change effects and adaptation in WFD implementation

Section 2: “Water resources management”

  • Adaptive IWRM and new paradigms
  • Floods Directive and applications
  • Droughts and Water Scarcity
  • Water Quality

Section 3: “Water related specific topics”

  • Water and Energy
  • Water loss management
  • Eco-efficiency (Life cycle assessment)
  • Risk management oriented approach
  • Optimal vs. Rational decision making

In collaboration with the IRSA institute of the National Research Council of Bari, GAP will present his research activity.

GAP authors and presentations

Oral Presentation
Title: Optimal redesign of groundwater monitoring networks: a data-driven, multi-approach software

Visit the official website EWRA 2013



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