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News 2020 EGU 2020

European Geosciences Union
General Assembly 2020

Vienna | Austria | 4-8 May 2020

The EGU General Assembly 2020 in the online format Sharing Geoscience Online was an exciting experiment in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and a great success throughout the entire week. 18,036 abstracts formed the programme with 701 scientific sessions, 11,380 presentation materials accompanied the abstracts and received 6,297 comments so far (to be continued until 31 May). A fantastic number of 26,219 individual users joined our 721 live text chats and posted 200,400 messages. Furthermore, virtual live sessions, Union Symposia, Great Debates, Townhall Meetings, and Short Courses were successfully held, and several networking events gave our community members the chance to meet online and share their research and ideas.

GAP has contributed by showing the results of his research activity in collaboration with CNR-IREA and University of Bari (Italy).

Project: DECiSION
Session: NH6.1 - Application of remote sensing and Earth-observation data in natural hazard and risk studies
Abstract ID: EGU2020-18740
Authors: A. Refice, F. Bovenga, G. Pasquariello, I. Argentiero, G. Spilotro, R. Nutricato, D. O. Nitti, and M. T. Chiaradia
Title: MTInSAR long-term monitoring of nonlinear slope instabilities on hilltop villages in Southern Italy

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