News 2016 EESMS 2016
2016 IEEE Workshop on
Environmental, Energy, and Structural Monitoring Systems
Bari, Italy, 13-14 June 2016
The 2016 IEEE Workshop on Environmental, Energy, and Structural Monitoring Systems (EESMS 2016) will be held in Bari, Italy on June 13-14, 2016. The workshop aims to discuss the most recent advances in complex monitoring systems from a cross-disciplinary perspective, encompassing technology, methods and applications.
The following four special sessions are also included:
- Monitoring issues for smart microgrids energy management
- Structural control and Health monitoring systems
- Coastal and Sea Monitoring
- Enabling Technologies and Methodologies for Smart Monitoring of Critical Infrastructures
GAP contributes by showing the results of his research activity in collaboration with Polytechnic of Bari and the Italian Space Agency.
Oral Presentation:
Authors: M. F. Bruno, M. G. Molfetta, M. Mossa, R. Nutricato, D. O. Nitti, L. Guerriero, A. Morea, M. T. Chiaradia, A. Coletta
Title: Integration of Multitemporal SAR/InSAR Techniques and NWM for Coastal Structures Monitoring: Outline of the software system and of an operational service with COSMO-SkyMed data
June, 14th, 2016, Tuesday
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